Department of Plastic Surgery, Sydney Sports Medical Center, Royal Hospital, Australia.
*Corresponding Author: Anmol Khanna
Department of Plastic Surgery, Sydney Sports Medical Center, Royal Hospital, Australia.
Brachial artery may be used as vascular access for interventional procedure. We report a case of duplication of brachial artery arising from axillary artery and continuing in forearm as radial artery and main brachial artery continuing as ulnar and common interosseous artery.
Brachial artery may be used as vascular access for interventional procedure. We report a case of duplication of brachial artery arising from axillary artery and continuing in forearm as radial artery and main brachial artery continuing as ulnar and common interosseous artery. An awareness of such a presence is valuable for the surgeons and radiologists in evaluation of angiographic images, vascular and re-constructive surgery.
A 54 year man presented with defect over the right dorsum of the hand with exposed tendons post infected abscess debridement. On palpation he had weak ulnar & radial pulses. DSA was performed for planning a reconstructive procedure. DSA showed duplication of brachial artery and noted ulnar artery luminal narrowing in proximal segment with patent palmar arch. Radial artery was arising from accessory brachial artery and no flow abnormalities detected (Figure 1).