Author Instructions

Author Instructions

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(or) attach all the manuscript documents to this email:

Manuscripts must be prepared in accordance to the guidelines mentioned in "International Committee of Medical Journal Editors". Summary of all such guidelines and all other information required for authors are available here. Authors are requested to follow these instructions while preparing the manuscript for possible publication in SciBase Journals.

Manuscript Acknowledgement

All the new submissions are acknowledged within 24 to 48 hours of submission in a belief that the content is unique, neither submitted simultaneously to other journal nor already published. If there is no acknowledgement, please contact us to the email id provided in the contact us web page. Cover letter must be attached along with the manuscript.

Editorial Process

All the new submissions are verified in the internal plagiarism software to avoid plagiarism issues and assigned to handling editor for review and possible publication in the journal. It is the journal editorial office or editor who assigns the manuscript to 1 or 2 external reviewers without providing author's information to avoid biased review. Handling editor will decide the fate of the manuscript based on the reviewer(s) comments.

Decision of the editor includes one of the following parameters:

  • Peer review management and administration
  • Expert production of articles in PDF and other formats
  • Website maintenance
  • DOI assignment and article archiving
  • Post publication activities
  • Distribution of published papers in different venues

Note: In 3 and 4 cases, revised manuscripts are sent to handling editor for further review. Authors are requested to provide responses to all the comments raised by reviewers/editor for quick second review.

The journal follows 21 day review process and it all depends on availability of editors and reviewers. We start review process immediately after the submission to finish the review in time.

Manuscripts without insufficient data, lack of originality, scientific and technical flaws are rejected and informed to author for further improvement of the manuscript.

Accepted manuscripts are copy edited and sent to production team for PDF production. Journal takes 3 working days to produce the PDF. PDF will be sent to corresponding author prior to publication on the website.

Manuscript Submission

Authors are requested to submit the manuscript along with cover letter via online manuscript submission system. New users have to register in the website before the manuscript submission. All the current and future articles will be tracked using the same credentials. There is no submission fee charged to authors. If you experience any technical, issues while registration or uploading the manuscript, please bring them to our notice by contacting the email address provided in the contact us page.

Images: Provide images at the end of the manuscript or attach them separately in word file or image format. JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF images of high resolution are accepted. High resolution images helps in building attractive PDF. Figures legend is must for all figures.

Figures should be consecutively numbered according to the order they appear in the manuscript. Symbols, arrow marks or letters used in the images should be clearly visible to the readers. Acknowledge the original source if the figure is already published to avoid copy right complications after publication. Journal reserves the right to crop or reduce the size of the images to the required size.

Tables: Provide tables along with the legends at the end of the manuscript. IF there are more than 4 tables, better provide them in new word or excel file. Tables should be consecutively numbered according to the order they appear in the manuscript. Table legends are must for all tables. There is no limit to the number of tables.

Equations and Formulae: For mathematical symbols, Greek letters and other special characters, use normal text or Symbol font. MathType is used only for formulae that cannot be produced using normal text or Symbol font.

Cover letter: Signed cover letter must be attached along with the submission. Include conflicts of interest, if any in the cover page. Download the cover letter from the following link: <>.

Consent form: Patient consent form is required if the patient face is visible in the figures used in the manuscript. In all other cases, consent form is not required. Download the consent form from the following link: <>.

Manuscript Preparation:

Prepare your manuscript in word file. Activate page and line numberings. Differentiate headings and side headings properly. Don't add content in headers and footers. All the supplementary files should be provided in separate files. Maintain unique font throughout the manuscript. Increase the font size for headings and side headings.

Your manuscript should contain these headings as they appear in the following order: Title, author names and affiliations, corresponding author information, keywords, abbreviations (if any), abstract, introduction, materials & methods, discussion, conclusion, conflicts of interest, funding sources, acknowledgments, references, figures and tables.

Title page:

This is the first page of your manuscript. It should contain article type (research/review/case report/clinical image/editorial/other) followed by the manuscript title. Manuscript title should be short and informative. Title should not exceed 75 characters. Don't include abbreviations in the title.

Short or running title should not exceed 50 characters.

Provide list of authors (Last name, First name and initials of middle name) along with the highest academic degree. Their departments and institutions must be attributed. Name, highest degree, current affiliation along with email id and phone number must be provided in corresponding author column.

Abstract page:

Abstract should not exceed 300 words. For research article abstracts, provide introduction, methods, discussion and conclusion. Don't include references in abstract section. Provide keywords and abbreviations after the abstract.

Keywords: 5 to 8 keywords representing the main content of the manuscript in Keywords section.

Abbreviations: Provide abbreviations along with their full forms under this section.


This section should contain the information related to background of your research, purpose, summary of the existing literature and contribution of your work to the existing research.

Materials and methods

This section should include the following: aim and design of your study, characteristics of the data/description of the materials used. Explain the processes, interventions and comparisons involved in your research.


Present the results of your study in text, tables and figures. Describe the most important findings first. Supplementary materials (if any) are published in appendix without disturbing the original manuscript. Do not duplicate the data in graphs and tables.


Describe the outcomes of your study (primary and secondary outcomes) and strengths. Highlight the limitations of your research.


Conclude your manuscript by providing the importance of your research and its relevance.


Reference formatting has different kinds based upon the number of authors or books or the Journal publications etc., please follow the respective related reference formats:

Journal Article with less than 6 authors: Bonetti F, Pea M, Martignoni G, Zamboni G. PEC and sugar. Am J Surg Pathol. 1992; 16: 307-308.

Journal Article with more than 6 authors: Santi R, Franchi A, Villari D, Paglierani M, Pepi M, Danielli D, et al. Sclerosing variant of PEComa: report of a case and review of the literature. Histol Histopathol. 2012; 27: 1175-1181.

Book References: Gardner JG, Simmons MJ, Snustad PD. Principles of Genetics. 8th edn. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2006.

Book Chapter: Honn KV, Tang DG, Chen Y. Adhesion molecules and site-specific metastasis. Neri Serneri SS, Gensini GF, Abbate R, Prisco D, editors. In: Thrombosis: An Update. Scientific Press. 1992; 269-303.

Link/URL: National Cancer Institute at National Institutes of Health. [Hyperlinked with]

Proceedings of a Conference: Gee JC, Joshi S, Pohl KM, Wells WM, Zollei L, editors. Information Processing in Medical Imaging. Proceedings of 23rd International Conference; 2013 June 28--July 3; CA, USA. New York: Springer, 2013.

PhD Theses/Dissertation: Simonneau A. Gold-Catalyzed Cycloisomerization Reactions through Activation of Alkynes [dissertation]. Springer Theses, 2014.

Datasets: Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LJ, Peng Y, Dong SS, et al. Genome data from sweet and grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor). Giga Science. 2011.

Journal Article Epub ahead of print: Reardon DA, Wen PY. Targeted therapies: Further delineating bevacizumab's response spectrum. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2014 [In press].


Reprints are provided to the authors/readers upon request. Charges for reprints depends on no. of copies. Please see the below:

No. of copies Deliver in USA Deliver outside USA
100 200 USD 250 USD
300 300 USD 350 USD
300 400 USD 450 USD

For additional information on reprints, please contact journal editorial office. Reprints are provided on environment friendly paper. It takes 2 weeks to deliver the copes after the payment.


Journal follows open access model of publication and readers can access, read, download and share the information without subscription. All published manuscripts are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Author retains the copyright of the manuscript and we hold only the publication rights. Submitting the manuscript to the journal implies that author(s) agree to provide publication rights to the journal.

Manuscript word limit

Please see the below table for manuscript word limits:

Manuscript Type Word Limit
Research 9000
Review 5000
Mini Review 4000
Case Report 2500
Case Series 3000
Short Report 2000
Editorial 1500
Proceedings 1500

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