Peer Review

Peer Review

The process of having research publications reviewed by field specialists before publication is called peer review. Regarding the quality of scientific research and scholarly publishing, nothing is more critical than the peer review process.

The primary objective of peer review is to evaluate the manuscript objectively. A journal editor will send a researcher's submission to a group of reviewers known for their knowledge in the field. Experts in the field assess the paper for its novelty, appropriateness of approach, and potential impact on the field.

The journals at SciBase publishers follow double blind review method for all the articles. Both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous during a double-blind peer review.

At SciBase Journals, we enlist the help of internal editorial board members and highly competent external reviewers to evaluate submitted publications. When conducting peer reviews, we use the double-blind review procedure.

The approval procedure from us typically takes at least 21 days to complete. After passing this review stage, the articles are published in both PDF and HTML formats.

We always publish latest, authentic and relibale information on the website.