Journal Scope
- Anesthesia
- Pain management
- Anesthetic techniques
- Pharmacology
- Perioperative care
- Regional anesthesia
- General anesthesia
- Sedation
- Anesthesia-related complications
- Anesthesia monitoring
- Anesthesia equipment
- Anesthesia outcomes
- Anesthesia education
- Acute pain management
- Chronic pain management
- Pain assessment
- Pain treatment modalities
- Pharmacological pain management
- Non-pharmacological pain management
- Multimodal pain management
- Neuropathic pain
- Cancer pain
- Postoperative pain
- Preemptive analgesia
- Pain pathways
- Pain mechanisms
- Pain perception
- Pain physiology
- Pain psychology
- Pain neuroscience
- Pain epidemiology
- Pain diagnostics
- Pain interventions
- Interventional pain procedures
- Pain rehabilitation
- Palliative care
- Pain and anesthesia in special populations (pediatric, geriatric, obstetric)
- Pain and anesthesia in surgery
- Pain and anesthesia in trauma
- Pain and anesthesia in critical care
- Pain and anesthesia in chronic diseases (e.g., cancer, diabetes)
- Pain and anesthesia in orthopedics
- Pain and anesthesia in neurology
- Pain and anesthesia in dentistry
- Pain and anesthesia in rehabilitation medicine
- Pain and anesthesia in psychiatry
- Pain and anesthesia in sports medicine
- Pain and anesthesia in veterinary medicine
- Pain and anesthesia research
- Pain and anesthesia quality improvement