SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health

An Open Access, Peer Review and International Journal

SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health

About the Journal

SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health is a pivotal journal within the field of veterinary sciences, serving as a comprehensive resource for researchers, veterinarians, animal scientists, and allied professionals. This journal covers a broad spectrum of topics aimed at advancing knowledge and understanding in veterinary medicine, animal health, and related disciplines.

At its core, SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health delves into various aspects of animal health management, disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment across different species. It encompasses research on infectious diseases, parasitology, immunology, and epidemiology, addressing both common ailments and emerging health threats affecting domestic animals, wildlife, and livestock populations.

Moreover, SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health serves as a platform for discussion on veterinary education, professional development, and practice management. It features articles on veterinary ethics, standards of care, and the role of veterinarians in society, fostering continuous learning and excellence within the profession.

SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health contributes to the advancement of veterinary science, the improvement of animal health and welfare, and the promotion of sustainable and harmonious relationships between humans and animals.

Contact editorial office at:

  • Journal Name: SciBase Veterinary Medicine & Animal Health
  • Short Name: -- -- --
  • ISSN: -- -- --
  • Review Process: Double Blind Review Process
  • Review Time: 21 days
  • Publication Frequency: Quarterly
  • Volume: -- -- --
  • Publication Formats: PDF & HTML
  • Email:

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